All Hallowed Week; pre-requisite of posts are some manifestation of the morbid, shivery, and ghoulish. Short of posting Monster Mash - don't put it past me - best efforts will be made my little beasties.
To be fair, Meredith Meyer isn't all that scary. The LA gal brought her chamber pop vocal cords to Chicago where her second album, "It's Spooky to Be Young," was produced overlooking the Chicago River. (Spooky, score.) Lonely and shimmery bemoaning over a love lost to a Zelda Complex, UFO synth pulls the aluminum foil sheets up to the chin. (Alien lasers, check.) Hard to say what's spookier; heartache? Childhood? Beings from another planet? Probably childhood.
At midnight, let's all walk outside with our flashlights and start a morse code signaling to the heavens, see what flickers back at us. Who's in?
Meredith Meyer // Video Game Girl
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