Ritchie Young started Loch Lomond in 2006 as a solo project, with players coming and going in accordance to requirement, summer vacation and what day Easter fell on that year. Currently a six-piece, the Portland, OR band of chamber-folk merrymakers released a fourth album under beloved Tender Loving Empire label. Mixed by Adam Selzer {M Ward}, Tucker Martine {The Decemberists, Laura Veirs}, and Kevin Robinson {Viva Voce} - Little Me Will Start A Storm is a menagerie of fantastic instruments, crafty rhythms and unconventional lyrics. All tied up with the Youngs' zigzagging vocals, zooming from high up in the register rafters down to an alto.
In truth, whenever any band incorporates a musical saw, they've got my vote. I'm a cheap date.
"Wax & Wire" from 2009 Fruit Bats lightly hearkens to the Scottish lochs of their namesake. "Elephant & Little Girls" is the first single off the Feb. 22 release, who's humid, ambient base track of crickets and hush makes me want to stretch out in a backyard. Under a tarp, wearing a down jacket - weather permitting.
Loch Lomond // Wax and Wire
Loch Lomond // Elephants & Little Girls
Since you said that you like bands with a musical saw... do you know 'Ameriklectic'?
This is them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHktv3fgcPU
ah, thanks for sharing Michelle. musical saws wig me out in the best way.
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