Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day Four: The Celebration Of The Animal

In the morning of day four, the battles came to a slow end. The Monsters had lost their energy and began to slowly turn to dust. The arteries and veins of the Animal creatures who had sacrificed their lives grew from their bodies through their skin into the ground and rooted the first of the Land's new infrastructure of nature. Mother begat child and child became mother and the Animal soul grew into something as pure as the fresh light of a beginning. Black covered the sky, but with every breath of new life, the air became cleaner and clearer. The Coral Sea provided sustenance until the plants began to bare fruit and the Cow milk. Toward the evening, as the mass of new life spread through the Land, bits of green and dirt grew over the entangled towers of tar and metal until they became young mountains. At midnight, the Animal creatures congregated around a group of 26 new trees and plants and they danced until sunrise when the sky formed a hole and poured the whitest white of snow on them. They glistened and transformed into one. Once again.

Love Is All // Take Your Time
Laura Stevenson & The Cans // The Source and the Sound
Correatown // Play
Jason Collett // Little Tiger
Wild Beasts // We Still Got The Taste Dancin' On Our Tongues
Oh Ruin // Just Like Kat's Guitar
Republic Tigers // The Impossible Dream

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